Brooks Behavioral Medicine

Brooks Behavioral Medicine provides cognitive and behavioral evaluation and therapy services related to the physical, mental and emotional recovery of patients after a traumatic injury or illness.

Services Offered and Conditions We Treat

Conditions the behavioral health team works with, include:

  • Brain injuries
  • Concussions
  • Stroke
  • Chronic pain
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Amputations

Brooks Programs

The behavioral health team oversees intensive rehabilitation therapy programs Brain Injury Day Treatment program and the Spinal Cord Injury Day Treatment programย for patients who have suffered a traumatic illness or injury and are ready to transition from the inpatient hospital setting to home.

Where We Are Located

The location address is 3901 University Blvd. S. and Brooks is located in the back left hand corner of the large medical plaza. Upon entering the sliding glass doors, walk to the right and you will see Behavioral Medicine and the glass window to check in.