How To Know If It’s Still Safe To Drive

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Each one of us has a parent, sibling, spouse or friend who we consider elderly. We have driven or ridden in the passenger seat with them many times. One day, though, you might notice a change in their reaction time or maybe they are driving slower than usual. How do they decide when it’s no longer safe for them to drive? How will they get around if they do decide to stop driving? These questions are tough to ask yourself and even harder to discuss with someone you love.
Brooks Rehabilitation has a driver rehabilitation program that can help answer the tough questions for you. A thorough evaluation will assess strength, range of motion, coordination, vision and other skills that are essential to safe driving. Once they’ve assessed skills, clients go through various driving scenarios and determine how to conquer each one. In the last step of the program, any necessary vehicle modifications will be discussed to help individuals stay sharp on the road. This program helps you and your loved one know if they are safe to stay behind the wheel and how to be a confident, educated driver.
To give up a privilege like driving is a hard decision. If you are concerned about someone you love, there are a number of warning signs that indicate an older driver might need assistance. These include:
- Does not obey stop signs or traffic lights
- Fails to yield the right of way
- Drives too slowly or too quickly
- Often gets lost, even on familiar routes
- Stops at a green light or at the wrong time
- Doesn’t seem to notice other cars, pedestrians, or bike riders on the road
- Doesn’t stay in his or her lane
- Is honked at or passed often
- Reacts slowly to driving situations
- Makes poor driving decisions
If you or someone you love has questions about their driving, click here, or call 904-345-7242 for more information.