Volunteer Opportunities

Brooks Rehabilitation offers a wide variety of volunteer opportunities in the Jacksonville area, as well as North and Central Florida. Opportunities are available at our University Campus in the San Souci community (cross-section of University Blvd. and Beach Blvd.) to our expansive Bartram campus off 95-South and outpatient clinics across Florida.

Volunteers with surfboard at surf event

Our volunteers make every day brighter

Volunteers are vital members of the Brooks Rehabilitation team. We rely on hundreds of individuals, companies and groups to support the needs of those in our care and the community.  

Whether you enjoy interacting with patients, supporting our corporate staff or assisting individuals in continued recovery, we can help find a place to share your skills. 

Don’t have the time to volunteer? Consider donating to our foundation that provides funding for patient care, renowned research and community programs. 

volunteers at brooks walk a golden retriever service dog.

Volunteer programs available     

We offer a wide array of volunteer programs throughout our system of care.  Depending on your interests, find opportunities to volunteer with seniors or patients in our hospitals and skilled nursing facilities or community programs. Opportunities are available in administrative and support roles, as well. 

Requirements to volunteer at Brooks

Volunteers are required to commit to a minimum of 100 hours or 6 months of service except for adaptive sports and recreation volunteers. Many positions require an interview, background check, fingerprints and vaccination record.  

Assisted Living

Volunteers at these locations assist in the care and entertainment of individuals who live long term at our Bartram Lakes facility.  Learn more and sign up here

Adaptive Sports & Recreation

Volunteers can choose to assist in a wide range of programming including team sports, arts, exercise and more! There is no minimum hour obligation requirement. Sign up here to volunteer and learn more. 

Pediatric Recreation

Support our pediatric population through adaptive sports and recreation! Volunteer for sport events and fun activities. No minimum hour requirement needed. Learn more about pediatric recreation volunteer opportunities and sign up here

Hospitals, Skilled Nursing & Outpatient Clinics

In this role, volunteers support our patients through recovery by spending time engaging in conversations, supporting nursing or therapy staff, helping with entertainment or assisting in an administrative role such as data entry, front desk or the gift shops. Learn more and sign up here

Peer Mentoring

Brooks provides training to individuals who are living highly successful lives with a disability to support those newly diagnosed and provide insight into daily life. Learn more about the program and how to participate here

Virtual Events

If you are unable to attend a Brooks location, we provide the platform to share your talents with patients to help support them through recovery.  Learn more and sign up here.

Connect with us

If you have questions about our volunteer programs or peer mentorship, reach out to VolunteerServices@BrooksRehab.org or (904) 345-7661. 

Patient stories

Learn more about the work at Brooks and how our teams help patients achieve their highest level of recovery through world-class care and cutting-edge technology.

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