Breach Notification

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Protecting our patient’s data privacy and security is one of Brooks Rehabilitation’s (Brooks) highest priorities. Like many organizations, Brooks utilizes technology for website enhancements in order to improve the user experience. Brooks collects user information through the use of pixels and cookies. Pixels are software codes that measure user activity online and cookies tracks a user’s activity when they visit a Brooks website allowing those activities to be analyzed.
In December 2022, Brooks determined tracking technology vendors that provide services to Brooks had the capability to view/access individually identifiable health information (IIHI) that was provided when a user provided contact information or feedback via a Brooks website. Unfortunately, the tracking technology, through pixel’s software code may have transmitted some Individual Identified Health Information.
The data transmitted could have included information such as: name; phone number; email address; computer IP address; other information you provided under the comment section; and Brooks sites visited while visiting our website.
While Brooks is unable to determine what if any of the information was actually collected and used, as a precaution, Brooks is notifying all individuals who logged into a Brooks website.
Brooks has proactively notified individuals involved and disabled the tracking technology vendor’s ability in December 2022. Brooks has no plans to use it in the future without confirmation that the tracking technology no longer has the capacity to transmit potentially identifiable information.
Brooks has initiated a comprehensive review of our policies and procedures related to gathering website user data and will make changes as needed to enhance privacy and prevent a situation like this from happening in the future.
For additional information, Individuals can contact Brooks Marketing or another staff member dedicated to responding to your needs by calling (904) 345-7718, (904) 345-7010 or 1-800-TELL-BHS (1-800-835-5247). You can also contact us by email at [email protected].