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Psychological and behavioural interventions delivered by non-psychologists
Main CJ, Ballengee LA, Beneciuk JM
Unlocking The Potential: Telehealth Services and Social Determinants of Health Outcomes in Health Care Delivery
Hamadi HY, Zhao M, Sam F, Murphy B, Niazi S, Spaulding AC
A Single-Center Sham and Active-Controlled Double-Blind Randomized Crossover Trial of the Magnetic Levator Prosthesis for Severe Blepharoptosis
Houston KE, Pundlik S, Shivshanker P, et al.
A case report of long-latency evoked diaphragm potentials after exposure to acute intermittent hypoxia in post-West Nile virus meningoencephalitis
Welch JF, Dale EA, Nair J, Davenport PW, Fox EJ, Mitchell GS
Self-Management Strategies for Low Back Pain Among Horticulture Workers: Protocol for a Type II Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Study
Dunleavy K, Radunovich HL, Beneciuk JM, et al.
Concurrent Validity and Reliability of In-Person and Supervised Remote STEADI Fall Risk Assessment in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Jasper A, Karim R, Vitente AC, et al.
Prioritization and multilevel mapping of implementation strategies for a cancer rehabilitation navigation program
Stout NL, Harrington SE, Perry A, Alappattu MJ, Manes MR
Medicare Program; Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Prospective Payment System for Federal Fiscal Year 2019
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
National Study Examining Excellence and Value in Physical Therapist Residency Education: Part 2—A Call to Action
Raine Osborne, Matthew S Briggs, Sara Kraft, Mary Jane Rapport, Lisa Black, Carol Jo Tichenor, Gregory W Hartley, Chloe E Bailey, Gail M Jensen
National Study Examining Excellence and Value in Physical Therapist Residency Education: Part 1—Design, Methods, and Results
Matthew S Briggs, Raine Osborne, Gregory W Hartley, Sara Kraft, Chloe E Bailey, Carol Jo Tichenor, Mary Jane Rapport, Lisa Black, Gail Jensen
Respiratory Strength Training Versus Respiratory Relaxation Training in the Rehabilitation of Physical Impairment, Function, and Return to Participation After Stroke: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
Dorian K Rose, Gina Brunetti, Kathryn Cavka, J Brooke Hoisington, Hannah Snyder, Wei Xue, Barbara K Smith
Atypical Sensory Loss Pattern in an Isolated Thalamic Stroke: A Case Report
Tadros, M., Phrathep, D., Lewandowski, E., Mohammed, M. R., Tinney, T., Abdo, Z., & Kline, C.