Dr. Weiss Named New Pain Rehabilitation Medical Director

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Brooks Rehabilitation is excited to announce that Howard Weiss, DO, will be the new medical director for our Pain Rehabilitation Program. Our comprehensive program includes individual counseling, coaching, education and treatment. Our multidisciplinary team works towards one goal: empowering our patients to learn to control their pain rather than being controlled by pain.
Dr. Weiss has been providing medical leadership and treatment for some of our pain patients, making this a smooth transition. Treatment includes intensive rehabilitation and pain management techniques to assist patients in coping with chronic pain without relying on narcotic pain medications. In this capacity, Dr. Weiss will also serve as the admitting physician for approximately 20% of our patients who need two weeks of inpatient treatment for opioid weaning, while the patient is in the pain rehab program.
Dr. Weiss brings a high level of experience and expertise to the program, as he has treated chronic pain patients throughout his career. ย ย He is well-respected by many physicians in the community as well as workers compensation adjusters, case managers and attorneys.ย Dr. Weiss will continue to enhance the national recognition the pain rehabilitation program has received, as well as increase awareness on our many positive outcomes.
Please join us in welcoming Dr. Weiss as the Medical Director for the Brooks Pain Rehabilitation Program.