Brooks Rehabilitation to Provide Family Housing for Out-of-Town Patients

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It’s hard to relax when someone you care about is in the hospital, especially when they are far from home. However, Brooks will soon have a way to help make being there for loved ones a little more comfortable.
With 22% of patients at our hospital coming from outside the Jacksonville area, we recognized the need to provide a place for families to stay temporarily during their loved one’s recovery. Brooks Rehabilitation has started planning for a 40-unit housing building that will be located directly across from Brooks Rehabilitation Hospital on Beach Blvd.
“A larger percentage of our patients are coming from out of the area, and the majority have suffered from a traumatic injury or illness. They already have so much on their mind and are now traveling to an unfamiliar city for care. Providing a temporary family housing option is our way of making their journey just a little easier,” said Doug Baer, CEO of Brooks Rehabilitation.
Housing will be available to Brooks’ patients and their families for a maximum 30-day stay, with payment based on a sliding scale. Having the building adjacent to the Brooks campus will allow for immediate access to a wide range of Brooks’ programs and services. It will also allow family members and caregivers to fully participate in their loved ones’ recovery process.
The building is being designed to promote interaction between families experiencing similar circumstances, thereby creating a natural support system. The building will feature fully-furnished accessible units, a large community kitchen, an open concept floor plan with views of a large dining space, a laundry room, business center and a small gym.
Brooks plans to begin construction in early 2016. The tentative date for opening is 4th quarter 2016.
For more information about Brooks Rehabilitation Hospital CLICK HERE.