How do patients benefit from Brooks psychology services?
Psychology services are offered in Brooks Rehabilitation Hospital and through Brooks Behavioral Medicine, our outpatient clinic. These services help patients fully benefit from rehabilitation, recover from illness and injury, and thrive after physical changes. Our psychology services achieve these goals through close collaboration with other disciplines.
What psychology services does Brooks offer?
Individual psychotherapy
Psychotherapy involves entering a professional, therapeutic relationship with a mental health professional (e.g., psychologist, counselor). A patient’s goals typically include experiencing relief from emotional distress related to situational stressors, medical problems, or other presenting concerns. Many different approaches to psychotherapy exist. Which ones are offered depends on the setting and the professional’s background.
At Brooks, patients can receive psychotherapy services when a staff member (e.g., physician, rehabilitation therapist, nurse, etc.) places a consult for the Inpatient Psychology Department. Both people hospitalized and in the community can be referred to Brooks Behavioral Medicine for outpatient psychotherapy services with a physician referral.
Types of psychotherapy provided at Brooks
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of the most commonly used therapy approach that helps to improve wellbeing through changing unhelpful thoughts and behaviors. It also addresses a wide range of problems, including those that affect physical health, such as CBT-Insomnia and CBT-Chronic Pain.
Mindfulness is an effective approach to relaxing and developing body awareness, which can help those with anxiety and stress. One can experience improved physical wellbeing as well.
Motivational Interviewing (MI)
MI is an approach to improving confidence, readiness, and commitment to make behavior changes. Many changes are important for recovering from illness, reducing risk of re-injury, and preventing of future medical events (e.g., strokes, infection). Psychologists use MI to help patients quit smoking, engage fully in rehabilitation, and make other important lifestyle changes.
Cognitive processing therapy (CPT)
CPT is a research-supported trauma treatment for adults with post-traumatic stress or PTSD. CPT is a structured treatment that helps patients achieve relief from emotional distress and return to daily activities with ease.
Pre-surgical evaluations
At Brooks Behavioral Medicine, psychologists also offer pre-surgical evaluations for patients referred by their physicians or pain management teams. They include a clinical interview and psychological testing, and the purpose is to promote successful surgical outcomes by identifying personal strengths and potential obstacles. Psychologists also provide helpful recommendations for patients and their medical teams.
Who is referred for a pre-surgical evaluation?
Patients who experience chronic, interfering pain may be eligible for certain surgeries. These surgeries typically require completing a pre-surgical evaluation with a psychologist. Physicians may also refer patients who are candidates for other surgeries, such as transplants, for these evaluations.
Common conditions treated by Brooks psychologists
Brooks psychologists treat a wide range of concerns for rehabilitation patients and those facing recent medical illnesses and injuries. Many experience emotional distress, difficulty coping with pain, grief/loss, altered cognitive and physical functioning, family role changes, and more. Mental health concerns that existed before can worsen, and some may experience mental health problems for the first time.
What do psychology services look like in Brooks Rehabilitation Hospital?
Patients admitted to Brooks Rehabilitation Hospital can receive psychology services to help with obstacles that interfere with optimal engagement in rehabilitation, such as poor sleep, pain, anxiety, and depressed mood. Psychologists help make decisions about patient care and discharge plans. Weekly patient and caregiver support groups are also available. If patients still desire psychology services following discharge, they can ask their inpatient psychologist about a referral to Brooks Behavioral Medicine.
What do psychology services look like at Brooks Behavioral Medicine?
Brooks Behavioral Medicine offers brief individual psychotherapy services to patients experiencing mental health difficulties following recent medical illness and injuries. These services help patients recover from challenging physical changes, experience decreased emotional distress, and develop greater independence and physical wellbeing.
Connect with us
During a course of inpatient care at Brooks Rehabilitation Hospital, patients and families can request Inpatient Psychology services from the patient’s treatment team.
A referring physician must make referrals for outpatient individual psychotherapy through Brooks Behavioral Medicine. For additional questions, call: (904) 345-7394.