Fall Prevention Program

Medical Reviewers: Olatunbosun Iyewarun PT, PMP; Sarah Ortiz, MSPT
Last Updated: April 9, 2024

Why is fall & injury reduction important?

While a fall occurs in a split second, it can lead to lifelong changes and/or a loss of independence. Falls can be fatal or cause serious consequences such as broken bones, brain injuries, increased costs and much more! Fall and injury reduction is important to not only to reduce these consequences but to empower individuals to achieve their highest potential and quality of life.

What are the risk factors for falls?

Risk factors are conditions that contribute to falling. The more risk factors you have, the greater your risk is of falling. Here are some risk factors:

  • Leg weakness
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Difficulties with walking and balance
  • High risk medicines such as certain pain relievers, tranquilizers, sedatives, and antidepressants. Some over-the-counter medicines can affect your balance.
  • Vision problems
  • Foot pain or poor footwear
  • Home hazards
  • Postural Hypotension

How can Brooks Rehabilitation help?

The good news is there are proven ways to reduce the chances of falls and fall related injuries. There are things you can do about your risk factors, and we at Brooks Rehabilitation are here to help you with our evidence-based and best practice methods!

The skilled inter-professionals in the Brooks Rehabilitation system of care are here to determine the unique factors about you that put you at risk for falls and with your input, develop inter-professional strategies to reduce your chances of sustaining falls & fall related injuries.

Here are two methods by which we reduce falls & injuries in our Brooks system of care, and in our community.

Fall & Injury Reduction through Strengthening & Teamwork (FIRST)

FIRST is an integrated, inter-professional and systematized strategy that is based on current evidence and best practices in healthcare. FIRST is operational in our in-patient rehabilitation hospital, skilled nursing and home health settings.

The mission of FIRST is to promote the health and wellbeing of persons at risk for falls and injuries, by proactively managing the fall & injury risk factors thereby reducing the likelihood of falls & fall related injuries in the Brooks system of care and in our local community.

The Brooks Rehabilitation Outpatient Centers are equipped with skilled professionals to assess your risk for falls and with you, develop a customized plan of care to reduce your chances of falling.

Stepping On Fall Prevention Program

The Stepping On is an evidenced based intervention proven to reduce falls by 31% in community dwelling older adults.

This 7 week (one 2-hour session per week) program is conducted by trained leaders and is specifically designed for adult learners.

Brooks Rehabilitation is currently the only organization licensed to conduct the Stepping On program in the state of Florida!

Check out the Stepping On video to learn more!

Additional Resources

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Reach out to us for more information. You can email [email protected] and [email protected] to connect with us today!

Medical Reviewers

Olatunbosun Iyewarun PT, PMP

Systems Fall & Injury Reduction Intervention Coordinator, Stepping On Fall Prevention Program Master Trainer Leader

Sarah Ortiz, MSPT

Fall & Injury Reduction Specialist
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